Friday, March 15, 2019

Blog assignment 4

The U.S. is one of the most powerful countries in the world, and in order to lead the powerful country to the right path, political parties continue to argue and conflict, as always. However, as the intensity of these conflicts grows, not only the country but also the world begins to collapse from the unexpected problems.
There are many reasons why government shutdown happens, but the two most representative reasons are the budget agreement and the struggle between political factions.

When government shutdown happens, many agencies shut down, including the NSF(National Science Foundation) and NASA. During the government shutdown, these agencies are unable to access the relevant research databases as well as the progress of the research stops. These problems are very serious because data from these famous and highly skilled agencies are used by people all over the world. Due to recent climate problems, the global environment is suffering from disastrous problems everyday, and the effects are directly reflected in people. With people all over the world suffering and dying from the climate problems, these problems have grown into not just to be one country’s problems, but to be watched by all over the world. However, for these days, all over the world has greatly affected by the problems that occur within the world’s most powerful agency such as U.S. government.
This article describes the impact of government shutdown on a number of scientific studies and the circumstances that cannot be ignored that are linked. The author wrote, thinking that not only a certain few groups, but also many people around the world, would read. The writer also described what he wanted to say by citing NASA and other well-known organizations, citing the words of aerospace engineer and professor at famous universities, and these parts were enough to give readers credibility.






Friday, March 1, 2019

Blog Assignment 3 - Seong Hyun Chang

 This article targets all citizens in this country. The article emphasizes Green New Deal Policy, and the current state of the country concerning environmental issues and the need for these policies. First of all, I agree that we should be more concerned with environmental policies and push them into action. As the article says, after President Trump's election, he eased and pushed back many of the policies that President Obama worked hard to implement, and environmental policies were one of them. He didn't look at or think much about environmental issues. But the situation has become increasingly intolerable as global climate change and the damage of it have grown.   In fact, environmental policies and experiments have been carried out in the past. We can see this from the appearance of the term Green New Deal in 2007 and the results of experiments by various research institutes that writer told. These are not just specific information about the topic but also the credibility of the writer. Due to environmental policies and movements, many factories in the United States were shut down, but the output of carbon dioxide increased by increasing the output of the factories for industrial and economic growth. Also, the hypothesis that 'development of green energy is a decrease in jobs, and the development will be difficult' was not actually right. Advances in green technology have made prices cheaper that are similar to the price of fossil fuels. Also, people's interest has increased compared to the past, and a significant amount of electric cars have been sold in the United States. However, it’s also true that we are facing terrible environmental problems.  Even now, the scope of the environment that we can improve may be decreasing. Green New Deal Policy can affect the economy as well as the environment. However, the recent economic situation has not been so normal, given the recent problem of government shutdown. It is true that pushing ahead with these policies may cause even greater mess. The policy may be used as a political tools rather than really solving the environmental problems. But I think this is why we should be more interested in these environmental policies.