Friday, May 17, 2019

The last assignment

 Environment and ecosystem are my major interests. And when I read books about these, some people argue that all the living organisms live their life to help each other and form the system. But I don’t agree with this. No organisms live for one purpose for something. They just exist and live in their own way. These ways affect each other, sometimes in good and sometimes in bad ways. And they all develop little by little not as an individual but as a whole system.
 And while I was studying in this class, I felt that the country and its society were similar to the ecosystem and environment. Especially in recent weeks I felt more certain when I saw many cases from the judiciary topic. The U.S. now has a position as a sure power. And I think the reason for its position was the great influence of people's efforts and the law. And people's endless expressions and thoughts would have had the greatest impact on continuing to change and develop the system composition of the law. Thinking about events involving Plessy and Sweatt may have been the starting point to eliminate discrimination and acknowledge and accept differences between them. And I can be sure that the ideas of Griswold, Roe and Gonzalez would have had a lot of impact until privacy rights became more developed than before. And I am sure that the ideas of Griswold, Roe and Gonzalez have had a lot of impact on the development of privacy rights.

 Due to these reasons, The United States now has a powerful position that no one can deny. And as a great power like this, what the U.S. should stay away from most in the future will be desire. Of course, desire is also the driving force that makes one develop. But a nonbinding desire can be a really scary evil. And desire sometimes becomes nonbinding when the one has overwhelming power. In this sense, the powerful force the U.S. has could be dangerous to the country in any way. But this wouldn't have to worry if there was a vision that the U.S. thinks not just for the U.S. but for the entire people. If people don't lose their morality and conscience, the U.S. could go the right way and become a better country.

Blog assignment 8

classmate's article

 The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. In that sense, I agree that we should think correctly about the main purpose and the way we interpret the globalism. Globalism deals with the whole world’s issue, not the problem of own country, and in order to prevent what happened on the big scale, we need the participation of powerful countries. In fact, powerful countries need more and more correct interpretations of the globalism because they have a power which can promote selfish actions. In this sense, the U.S. participation in the globalism mindset will greatly help resolving the big problems that are occurring in the world in nowadays.
 I usually read many books or newspaper articles about the environment or ecosystem. So I've been thinking a lot about climate change that lasts for years. In this sense, I think the writer’s choice of relating extreme climate change issues to the globalism was an appropriate choice for this topic. Climate change is already affecting many countries, and it’s true that the big powerful countries are more to blame for bringing climate changes, and the world needs the power of the big countries to solve these problems.
 In fact, for quite some time we have faced many problems in the world, not just in one country. However, the countries' handling has been absent or insignificant, and over time, the problem is growing beyond control. In that situation, bigger and bigger countries need to think about the whole world and act more forward than ever before.
 Considering the future of the country, the nation’s profits and interests are certainly important. However, people should be able to think about not only themselves but also each other, share various situations and perspectives, and look ahead to a farther future. The road we're going on now may seem smooth and safe, but no one knows whether its ahead is cliff or not.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Correct Decision - Blog Stage 7

 The U.S. government is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. However, in the early days of U.S. history when Federalism and Anti-Federalism were at a crossroads, its authority and power wasn’t so great due to the nature of the system at the time. U.S. citizens are proud of the power of their country, as the U.S. grew up in such a situation. And these facts affect other countries as well. It is inevitable that the political styles of other governments are influenced by powerful countries. However, if the political direction or style of the powerful country is correct, other countries that are affected by it also need not worry. Therefore, is the political direction of the U.S. correct?
 In fact, we cannot give a proper answer to this question from our point of view. Can we just conclude that the direction we’re heading is the right way? It may not be the current U.S. citizens or outsiders who can judge it properly. Only future generations will know who made the right choice for the country and the world and who did not. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for the current government to make any strange decisions that don’t fit in the current point of view. The best thing the government can do now will be to make the decisions it can make for its country, but avoid the choice of not respecting the other members of the world. The decision may fail, and one failure in politics can have a great impact for a long time. However, only failure tells us why it failed. If it fail, it can try again in a different way. If members of the U.S. government don’t abandon their responsibilities, the U.S. government can make many changes not only to the U.S. but also to the world.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog stage 6

 Citizens are expressing their interests in the problems surrounding them and what’s happening in the government much more than before. The writer of the article said that the citizens could solve these problems if they really wanted to. It makes some sense. It’s true that the flexibility of the Constitution, and the power of the people to change the game, all of these things have a connection to each other. However, in the current situation where the thoughts and assessments of one event vary widely from person to person, it’s difficult to bring about a change in any situation. In the last paragraph of the article, the writer said that the people didn’t have a determination for change, but I think people are already somewhat determined about it. However, I think that because opinions about the direction of the change are extremely divergent, it’s clearly just that one cannot choose between them. It’s good for our democracy the citizens to have more power, but I think if  they expand their authority to control the country too much, people are more likely to ruin themselves in bitter conflicts with each other. I think the system itself, which allows citizens to greatly influence the way the country is headed, but allows the government to interfere in its decision-making power to some extent, is related to this. Let's consider the electoral college the writer mentioned as an example. It is true that electoral votes can lead to decisions that are contrary to citizens' votes and arguments. With recent events, we will be able to empathize with this more than anyone else. But if the government gives people too much power in deciding, the conflict over political issues among citizens will be greater than ever. In the present time of strong and various assertions for a single event, these conflicts will be greater than ever, and fair sharing of ideas may not be smooth. And this situation will soon make the country self-destruct. Because there are some systems that ignore people's voices, it will take a long time for people to face change directly, even though they are determined to make their own decisions. However, such those systems are hard to break and inevitably exists in the country because it is necessary for the country. Therefore, I do not agree with the writer's argument to hold citizens accountable for the existence or absence of change in the country.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Blog Assignment 5

The U.S. government has great power all over the world in many ways. This is an undeniable fact. The national defense budget of U.S. is on a similar scale to the combined national defense budget of the other second to 15th largest countries. Through this information, it is safe to say that the U.S. military might be the best in the world. Also, the economic growth is stable and sustained. The per capita GDP(Gross Domestic Product) of the United States is overwhelming compared to other countries, and the size of economics has been growing for 90 years since the Great Depression. The U.S. is the only country shows this kind of economic status all over the world, and this shows the economic ability and power of the U.S. government. As such a prominent power, the U.S. has a lot of influence on other countries, and naturally many people in the world are watching the U.S. government. Because of the fight between the political parties, the current state of U.S. government can be seen as a little chaos. Looking at the problems that arise from these situations, some people criticize the government for not using its power properly. However, I think this situation itself is just a natural situation in which one country works. It’s perfectly natural for each to make their own point and to suggest the direction in which the country should go to.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Blog assignment 4

The U.S. is one of the most powerful countries in the world, and in order to lead the powerful country to the right path, political parties continue to argue and conflict, as always. However, as the intensity of these conflicts grows, not only the country but also the world begins to collapse from the unexpected problems.
There are many reasons why government shutdown happens, but the two most representative reasons are the budget agreement and the struggle between political factions.

When government shutdown happens, many agencies shut down, including the NSF(National Science Foundation) and NASA. During the government shutdown, these agencies are unable to access the relevant research databases as well as the progress of the research stops. These problems are very serious because data from these famous and highly skilled agencies are used by people all over the world. Due to recent climate problems, the global environment is suffering from disastrous problems everyday, and the effects are directly reflected in people. With people all over the world suffering and dying from the climate problems, these problems have grown into not just to be one country’s problems, but to be watched by all over the world. However, for these days, all over the world has greatly affected by the problems that occur within the world’s most powerful agency such as U.S. government.
This article describes the impact of government shutdown on a number of scientific studies and the circumstances that cannot be ignored that are linked. The author wrote, thinking that not only a certain few groups, but also many people around the world, would read. The writer also described what he wanted to say by citing NASA and other well-known organizations, citing the words of aerospace engineer and professor at famous universities, and these parts were enough to give readers credibility.






Friday, March 1, 2019

Blog Assignment 3 - Seong Hyun Chang

 This article targets all citizens in this country. The article emphasizes Green New Deal Policy, and the current state of the country concerning environmental issues and the need for these policies. First of all, I agree that we should be more concerned with environmental policies and push them into action. As the article says, after President Trump's election, he eased and pushed back many of the policies that President Obama worked hard to implement, and environmental policies were one of them. He didn't look at or think much about environmental issues. But the situation has become increasingly intolerable as global climate change and the damage of it have grown.   In fact, environmental policies and experiments have been carried out in the past. We can see this from the appearance of the term Green New Deal in 2007 and the results of experiments by various research institutes that writer told. These are not just specific information about the topic but also the credibility of the writer. Due to environmental policies and movements, many factories in the United States were shut down, but the output of carbon dioxide increased by increasing the output of the factories for industrial and economic growth. Also, the hypothesis that 'development of green energy is a decrease in jobs, and the development will be difficult' was not actually right. Advances in green technology have made prices cheaper that are similar to the price of fossil fuels. Also, people's interest has increased compared to the past, and a significant amount of electric cars have been sold in the United States. However, it’s also true that we are facing terrible environmental problems.  Even now, the scope of the environment that we can improve may be decreasing. Green New Deal Policy can affect the economy as well as the environment. However, the recent economic situation has not been so normal, given the recent problem of government shutdown. It is true that pushing ahead with these policies may cause even greater mess. The policy may be used as a political tools rather than really solving the environmental problems. But I think this is why we should be more interested in these environmental policies.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Assignment 2 : Government Shutdown

 This article tells us how much the latest Government shutdown has affected society and people. More than half a million workers worked without pay, and hundreds of them were laid off. In the middle of this situation, the government wated a long time as partisan squabbles. Government shutdown is a problem of the budget of a government or federal agency. If this happens, the government will leave only the minimum number of institutions and personnel and shut down all the rest until it is settled. This will damage the annual growth rate of GDP, as labor losses caused by the closure of the agency will increase government spending. Every day in the government, there are political and economic problems, but these are actually not trivial enough to keep an eye on for a few days and look back. Especially when it comes to people's daily lives and work, and this article briefly show the importance of it.